tladeras’s avatartladeras’s Twitter Archive

7,551 tweets


  1. I'm gone from here. Removing blocking and tweetdeck is the last straw. Enjoy the cesspool.
  2. So gratifying to see #cascadiarconf continue on and carry the values we established in the early days of the conf. Keep learning #rstats, everyone! @cascadiarconf/1693134439302459489
  3. Zack Ruff talking about an acoustic monitoring app, basically Shazam but for detecting spotted owls #CascadiaRConf #rstats
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. We are live and starting! #cascadiarconf
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. I guess I lost access to #xeetdeck.
  6. Going a little crazy with theme_barbie() for our #cascadiaRconf keynote.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  7. Hey! I'm co-giving one of the keynotes for #CascadiaRConf! Hope to see you there! #rstats @cascadiarconf/1690067893428633600
  8. What I need is a widget that reminds me "Did you Branch?" every time I want to modify code. I always forget to do this.
  9. Goodbye to Harder House, where I spent many hours taking courses part of the PSU Systems Science Program:
  10. #rstats #shiny folks: is there a htmlwidgets/JS library that will subset a table using checkboxes? For example, a user could click a checkbox to add it to a subset. I think I could tackle this, but don't want to reinvent the wheel unless I have to.
  11. Haven't had much of a chance to use it before, but {reticulate} is damned amazing. It helps you to work #python style in #rstats, especially with nice functions like iterate(), which lets you iterate over python generators, much like purrr::map()
  12. TIL: if you use cli::cli_progress_update() in an function in purrr::map(), you need to pass the original cli progress id into your anonymous function. #rstats
  13. One thing that soldering instructions never have on their checklist: A hairclip to keep your bangs out of the way. Especially if you're rocking a pseudo 90's haircut with long bangs.
  14. Hey! I made an #rstats package. It's a tidy-style package for decoding the pheno data of the UK Biobank dataset. Helpful when you've got a 500K size table.


  1. This is your periodic reminder of free #rstats learning content that we’ve produced largely in response to the DataCamp incident. I want my students to feel valued and safe. First off: The R-Bootcamp. No install required, just browser:
  2. Want to learn the basics of #Shiny? Our gRadual intRo to Shiny workshop is now online (videos, project, and slides). #rstats #DataVisualization
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. Repost because I can't spell: Yes, I am crazy. I'm teaching another online course this term, an introduction to #rstats and the #tidyverse called Ready for R. I'm happy to share materials/RStudio Cloud notebooks if external folks want to take a stab at it.
  4. Have you always wanted to learn the #rstats #tidyverse with a gentle approach, and online? Our R-Bootcamp requires only a web-browser (it works on phones as well!)
  5. Advice I always seem to give to students in their presentations. 1. If you have multiple figures on a slide, animate them, and introduce them 1 at a time. 2. Be really careful with tables. Highlight important information. Don't expect everyone to just "get it".
  6. If there is one lesson I can teach future analysts: If you want someone to draw a conclusion from a figure, state that conclusion. Don't expect that person to "just get it" from that figure. In fact, make that conclusion the title of your figure.

I’ve retweeted other tweets 980 times (13.0%)

Most Retweeted

  1. rOpenSci 38 retweets
  2. pdxrlang 31 retweets
  3. apreshill 28 retweets
  4. datapointier 23 retweets
  5. cascadiarconf 22 retweets
  6. daniellecrobins 21 retweets
  7. bduckles 19 retweets
  8. lilscientista 18 retweets
  9. old_man_chester 18 retweets
  10. dr_lrwyatt 13 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. cascadiarconf 4 retweets
  2. thecarpentries 4 retweets
  3. RConsortium 3 retweets
  4. DrKariLJordan 3 retweets
  5. lisakarstens 3 retweets
  6. ellis_hughes 3 retweets
  7. EmilyRiederer 2 retweets
  8. DCGenomics 2 retweets
  9. RLadiesRome 2 retweets
  10. allison_horst 2 retweets

Replies and Mentions

60.1% of my tweets are replies (×4,537)

Most Replies To

  1. apreshill 98 replies
  2. bduckles 98 replies
  3. djnavarro 83 replies
  4. dataandme 83 replies
  5. kierisi 68 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. ChelseaParlett 12 replies
  2. JasonWilliamsNY 8 replies
  3. mxcatnap 7 replies
  4. hrbrmstr 6 replies
  5. bduckles 5 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 59 times (0.8%)

85.7% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (1,114 of 1,300)

94.4% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (85 of 90)

Top Domains

  1. 297 tweets
  2. 142 tweets
  3. 116 tweets
  4. 46 tweets
  5. 45 tweets
  6. 27 tweets
  7. 26 tweets
  8. 24 tweets
  9. 24 tweets
  10. 23 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 297 tweets
  2. 142 tweets
  3. 112 tweets
  4. 46 tweets
  5. 38 tweets
  6. 27 tweets
  7. 23 tweets
  8. 23 tweets
  9. 22 tweets
  10. 21 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 5,226 retweets and ❤️ 39,821 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 🔥 used 16 times on 6 tweets
  2. ❤️ used 2 times on 2 tweets
  3. 🙃 used 1 times on 1 tweets
  4. 🤣 used 1 times on 1 tweets
  5. 😊 used 1 times on 1 tweets

20 unique emoji on 19 tweets (0.3% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. rstats used 318 times on 317 tweets
  2. ismb used 164 times on 163 tweets
  3. cascadiarconf used 127 times on 126 tweets
  4. recombsb used 111 times
  5. openconcascadia19 used 90 times

2,011 hashtags on 2,004 tweets (30.5% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. a_s used 13 times on 10 tweets
  2. p_s used 7 times
  3. p_sses used 3 times
  4. h_ll used 3 times
  5. f_ck used 3 times

52 swear words on 49 tweets (0.7% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets