All functions |
Watches a job given a job id |
Returns cleaned field titles for a cohort dataset |
Main Function to Decode Fields from Codings |
Main Function to Decode Fields from Codings using Duck DB |
Decodes Multi Category variables |
Decodes large columns of a large data frame by splitting it |
Decodes Multi Category variables |
Decodes variables with single coded entries |
Detects lists specified as strings in a data frame |
Given a data dictionary, displays a searachable table in a quarto document or Jupyter Notebook |
Given a dataset id and list of fields, extract data |
Finds all cohorts and their ids in the current project |
Find all datasets in the current project |
Finds all jobs and executions in current project |
Finds the current dataset id in the project |
List fields associated with dataset ID |
Given a dataset id, builds a coding table to decode raw data |
Extracts the dictionary files for a dataset id into current project |
Given a dataset id, finds the dataset name |
Installs the dx-toolkit into a virtualenv |
Runs Table Exporter |
Title |
Terminates a job using job id |