tladeras’s avatartladeras’s Twitter Archive—№ 7,124

    1. Proud of these slides talking about cognitive science and learning. I tried my best to strip things down and show how to become a more effective instructor.
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @tladeras
    Sweller's Cognitive Load Theory was one of those things that really made me understand what teaching is about. This talk is a gross simplification, but hopefully it gives you an idea about why cognitive load is so important.
    1. …in reply to @tladeras
      1. …in reply to @tladeras
        Cognitive Load Theory is something I apply to almost everything I do. I think it's at the heart of communicating complex ideas without "dumbing things down". I've always hated the condescension of that term.