tladeras’s avatartladeras’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,472

  1. IDK: The difference between summarize() and mutate() in a rowwise() workflow. #rstats #tidyverse The vignette examples do use summarize() and mutate(), but I'm still trying to figure out why in both cases.
    1. …in reply to @tladeras
      The only response I got within RStudio community was "it doesn't make sense to use summarize() in a row by row workflow", which is pretty unsatisfactory to me given the above.
      1. …in reply to @tladeras
        On closer read of the vignette: "We can then use mutate() to add a new column to each row, or summarise() to return just that one summary". Ok, that makes sense. summarize() just seems to be acting like a built-in select.