tladeras’s avatartladeras’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,010

  1. I have been focusing on trying to keep people safe and educate people about the issues for this whole DataCamp debacle. To see my tweet weaponized and used as evidence against @rstudio is extremely low and underhanded. @tladeras/1279097076157038594
    1. …in reply to @tladeras
      @rstudio Since the tweet is unavailable, this is what it said.
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @tladeras
        @rstudio Note: I am not employed by RStudio. I am an RStudio Certified Instructor, and I know many people who work for RStudio. But RStudio has not paid me in any way.
        1. …in reply to @tladeras
          I'm taking today off Twitter and figuring out a constructive way to use the righteous anger I am feeling.