tladeras’s avatartladeras’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,595

  1. Ok, first online image processing class this term out of the way. I thnk we can do this. A list of things that helped me overcome my panic attack.
    1. …in reply to @tladeras
      Teaching online on short notice, by @gvwilson / @RStudioEDU . Especially helpful in how to set up online sessions, and to have a facilitator to keep track of questions was especially helpful.
      1. …in reply to @tladeras
        @gvwilson @RStudioEDU @andrewheiss' great blogdown site for his PMAP8521 course: - I ended up forking it and adapting for Thank you so much for sharing your work, Andrew. Lifesaver.
        1. …in reply to @tladeras
          @gvwilson @RStudioEDU @andrewheiss @Miles_Ott for being a helpful sounding board. @apreshill for being generally awesome with all her resources on Xaringan and Blogdown. @bethduckles for being awesome as well. I love you #rstats twitter.
          1. …in reply to @tladeras
            @gvwilson @RStudioEDU @andrewheiss @Miles_Ott @apreshill I'm going to be posting my content on - here's the repo if anyone needs it: I also want to say to the other educators struggling with this: you got this. You can do it. It's going to be hard, but you can adapt. You can engage.