tladeras’s avatartladeras’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,359

        1. I'm not going to do any more academic service activities unless I'm personally asked by someone, not from a group email. I'm tired of doing work that takes away from teaching that I'm literally not paid for. If you value my time and my skills, you will ask directly. #selfcare
      1. …in reply to @tladeras
        A group email that asks for volunteers just adds to the general stress level of everyone. I've been stressed out and burned out because of all of these emails. Carefully pick who you ask, don't email everyone every time.
    1. …in reply to @tladeras
      And if you can't do this, maybe the service activity isn't worth doing, because you are not valuing the time of everyone you ask.
  1. …in reply to @tladeras
    The same with grant reviews, paper reviews, anything that takes my time that takes away from teaching. I'm tired of being just thought of as a source of unpaid academic labor.
    1. …in reply to @tladeras
      Does this make me not a team player? No, it doesn't. I've done a ton of outreach and I engage many different groups across the university. I'm just asserting my self-worth in a system that expects way too much of its people.