@raphg talking about how Cascadia/PNW has helped shape #Rstats - Robert Gentleman is cascadian. Talking about how R has helped with work at @fredhutch
@raphg @fredhutch @raphg talking about the integrated research center at @fredhutchio to enable translational research #cascadiarconf
Need for data science for engagement with industry and nonprofits. #cascadiarconf
Vision for integrated data science: study immune system, build and train data scientists, have translational impact. Replicate for other problems #cascadiarconf
Need for short courses/training/discussions about data science - Data Science Coop - discuss data science issues. #cascadiarconf
Adoptive T-Cell therapies for immunotherapy. CAR-T requires reengineering T-Cells by modifying receptors. Need for monitoring T-cells while in blood. #cascadiarconf
High efficacy of CAR-T for leukemias, over 90% for patients with Acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL). However, doesn't work well for Hodgkin's lymphoma. #cascadiarconf
Utilize computational approaches from clinical trials to facilitate immunotherapies. Generate deep immunophenotypes/genomics data for adoptive cell therapy to generate insights into understanding response. #cascadiarconf
Data Science needs to be embedded in immunotherapy. Need tight integration of both to enable collaboration. #cascadiarconf
Integrate wet lab and dry lab spaces at Steam Plant - opening up in March 2020. Including a center for data visualization (a really cool vision!) #cascadiarconf
Lots of work in infectious diseases and vaccines with @gatesfoundation as part of vaccine research center, including study design, data pipelines and data methods. #cascadiaRconf
@gatesfoundation Leverage R for data management at @fredhutchio - need an interactive and dynamic environment to enable collaboration, version control. DataP ackageR for packaging and versioning datasets #cascadiarconf
@gatesfoundation @fredhutchio [editorial comment: I was a reviewer for Gates Open Research for DataPackageR] #cascadiaRconf
@gatesfoundation @fredhutchio COMPASS - bayesian approach to use all immunophenotyping data to profile T-Cells to summarize into polyfunctional score. A Bioconductor joint. #cascadiarconf
@gatesfoundation @fredhutchio CAVD Data Space - A data sharing tool for exploration and discovery of data. dataspace.cavd.org - add new functionality via DataSpaceR package. #cascadiarconf
@gatesfoundation @fredhutchio Need for resources focused on understanding and characterizing immune system response - Human Immunology Project consortium and Allen Institute for Immunology. Massive amount of data generated. #cascadiarconf
@gatesfoundation @fredhutchio ImmuneSpace - immunespace.org - ImmuneSpaceR project. Need more R programmers! #cascadiarconf
@gatesfoundation @fredhutchio Automated testing & continuous testing using Selenium (@slothsonian doing a ton of work here!) #cascadiarconf