Building Synthetic Data from our Network

Here we load in our Bayesian Network that we built in build_bayesian_network.Rmd. Then we use convenience functions to transform categorical data to continuous where possible.

num_patients <- 1000
snpNames <- c("rs10757278", "rs1333049", "rs4665058", "rs8055236")

## Loading tidyverse: ggplot2
## Loading tidyverse: tibble
## Loading tidyverse: tidyr
## Loading tidyverse: readr
## Loading tidyverse: purrr
## Loading tidyverse: dplyr
## Conflicts with tidy packages ----------------------------------------------
## filter(): dplyr, stats
## lag():    dplyr, stats
## Loading required package: gRbase
## load Bayesian Network

##build test cases as categorical data
testData <- simulate(cvd_bayes_net, nsim = num_patients)

#transform data into continuous covariates and calculate CVD risk given variables
out <- cvdRiskData:::transformDataSet(testData)

#generate patient IDs
out <- cvdRiskData:::generatePatientIDs(out)

#genotype 0001 modifies the out probability by 4x
out[out$genotype=="0001","outProb"] <- out[out$genotype=="0001","outProb"] * 4

#plot risk score and facet on genotype
out %>% select(outProb, genotype) %>% ggplot(aes(x=outProb)) + geom_histogram() + facet_grid(facets="genotype ~.")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

#roll the dice and calculate whether patients have CVD or not given risk
out2 <- cvdRiskData:::callCVD(out) 

#we need to remove 40% of CVD cases to get the right prevalence
cvdInds <- which(out2$cvd == "Y")
toRemove <- floor(length(cvdInds) * 0.6)
indRemove <- sample(cvdInds, toRemove)

out2 <- out2[-indRemove,]
##   N   Y 
## 765  94
##build genotyping set
gData <- out2 %>% filter(numAge < 45 & numAge >18)  

##   N   Y 
## 366   8
#make dataset smaller
gDataSmall <- gData[sample(1:nrow(gData), floor(nrow(gData)/3)),]

##bring up snpLookup Table

#build matrix of genotypes
genotypes <- lapply(as.character(gDataSmall$genotype), function(x){snpLookup[[x]]})

outMatrix <- matrix(ncol=4, nrow=length(genotypes), data="D")
colnames(outMatrix) <- snpNames

for(i in 1:length(genotypes)){
  outMatrix[i,] <- genotypes[[i]]

genoFrame <- data.frame(outMatrix)
colnames(genoFrame) <- snpNames

genoData <- data.frame(gDataSmall, genoFrame) 

newData <- out2 %>% select(patientID, age, htn, treat, smoking, race, t2d, gender, numAge, bmi=numBMI, tchol=numTchol, sbp=numHtn,cvd)

genoDataOut <- genoData %>% select(patientID, age, htn, treat, smoking, race, t2d, gender, numAge, bmi=numBMI, tchol=numTchol, sbp=numHtn, rs10757278, rs1333049, rs4665058,  rs8055236, cvd)

#make test and train sets for workshop
inds <- sample(1:nrow(genoDataOut), floor(.85 * nrow(genoDataOut)))
genoDataTrain <- genoDataOut[inds,]
genoDataTest <- genoDataOut[-inds,]

inds <- sample(1:nrow(newData), floor(.85 * nrow(newData)))
newDataTrain <- newData[inds,]
newDataTest <- newData[-inds,]

Here is the data without the genetic covariates (859 patients).


Here is the data with genetic covariates (124 patients).


Finally, we save all versions of the data.

write.csv(newData, "../data/fullPatientData.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(newDataTrain, "../data/fullDataTrainSet.csv", row.names=FALSE)
write.csv(newDataTest, "../data/fullDataTestSet.csv", row.names=FALSE)
write.csv(genoDataTrain, "../data/genoDataTrainSet.csv", row.names=FALSE)
write.csv(genoDataOut, "../data/genoData.csv")
write.csv(genoDataTest, "../data/genoDataTestSet.csv", row.names=FALSE)
