WebR: Why, What, How

Fred Hutch User Group

Ted Laderas


Learning Objectives

After watching this presentation, you will be able to

  • Articulate what WebR is and how it lets your run in the browser
  • Explain why to use WebR in your educational work
  • Utilize WebR in your presentations and web pages (how)

Follow along!

What is WebR?

Why WebR?

  • Education (example from Andrew Heiss)
    • Works on phones!
  • Internal Websites
    • Sharepoint
  • Shinylive (Shiny without Shiny Server)

How does WebR work?

  • R has been compiled to WebAssembly
    • Machine code (low-level) for web browsers
  • Browsers can run both WebAssembly and JavaScript

This is a huge accomplishment

Bob Rudis’ WebR Talk

WebR Worker

  • WebR launches a worker process in browser
  • Uses JavaScript to communicate between web page and worker
  • Everything is run in the browser


  • Webpages use Javascript to communicate with WebR Worker
  • Results are returned within a <div>

Where to read about WebR?

WebR documentation

  • Very technical
  • Specifies how to get JS to interact with WebR in a web page
  • Asynchronous evaluation
  • Made for developers

Getting started with Quarto/WebR

First, Create a Project in RStudio

File >> New Project >> New Folder >> Quarto Website

β”œβ”€β”€ _quarto.yml
β”œβ”€β”€ _site
β”œβ”€β”€ about.qmd
β”œβ”€β”€ index.qmd
β”œβ”€β”€ styles.css
└── webr-demo.Rproj

Next, install Quarto Extension in Project

  • In the RStudio Terminal Window:
quarto add coatless/quarto-webr

Next, install Quarto Extension in Project

  • In the RStudio Terminal Window:
quarto add coatless/quarto-webr

This folder will be installed in your project:

β”œβ”€β”€ _extensions
β”‚   └── coatless
β”‚       └── webr  ## Contains a lot of JavaScript

Quarto/WebR Setup

Quarto Frontmatter

title: "My WebR Demo"
format: html
engine: knitr
  • Start like usual
  • Specify engine: knitr

Quarto Frontmatter

title: "My WebR Demo"
format: html
engine: knitr
  - webr                    
  • Need to use filters with - webr option

Quarto Frontmatter

title: "My WebR Demo"
format: html
engine: knitr
  - webr                         
  packages: ['ggplot2', 'dplyr', 'palmerpenguins']
  • webr is where you set options:
    • packages: to install
    • base-url: to change WebR repository
    • cell-options: to set default code window options

Full Frontmatter

A Note about Packages

  • Packages need to be compiled for WebAssembly
  • Using R Packages in WebR
    • Can install in setup chunk or using the webr::install() option

Not all dependencies are available

  • WebR Compiled Packages
    • Default repository for packages (19532+ compiled, but not everything)
  • Some packages don’t have all dependencies compiled
    • Example: Bioconductor (Biobase) is not compiled

Add Your Code Blocks

Quarto/WebR Block


Quarto/WebR Block


This becomes:

Keep in Mind

  • Every webpage is a single WebR Session
  • Data objects persist between code windows
  • Be careful with incremental lessons with multiple code windows
  • Design consideration: what goes together in a single webpage?

Persistence of Penguins

Be careful with multi-stage problems - mistakes may propagate

Education Example

Adding Layers

Add another layer to the below plot by appending a geom_point(aes(color=species)) to it.

WebR Filesystem

What about files?

  • There is a filesystem that is created
    • emscripten filesystem
  • Not super easy to get stuff in
  • Distinct from your project
    • can’t see anything in your directory

Options to get data in

  • Data packages
  • Serve data at a URL
    • URL needs to be https://
    • download.file()

Getting data in from a URL

For teaching, put in a context: setup chunk:

Loading data in the filesystem


  • Lets you package a folder into a filesystem
  • Still needs to be hosted somewhere

Code Block Options

context: setup

context: setup - Pre-load data, load packages, for use globally

#| context: setup


context: output

Show only output, not execution cell

#| context: output


context: output

Deploy your HTML


  • You will need a web server to deploy your WebR page
  • Serve HTML, no shiny server needed
  • Browser needs internet access to download packages


  • Can use github pages:

    quarto publish gh-pages ./
  • Netlify

    quarto publish netlify ./

Netlify Drop Demo

What about Shiny?



Wrapping Up

Hopefully you learned to:

  • Articulate what WebR is and how it lets your run in the browser
  • Explain why to use WebR in your educational work
  • Utilize WebR in your presentations and web pages (how)

Keep in Touch