Ted Laderas
June 2, 2018 at CLSB (Collaborative Life Sciences Building)
Learn about making interactive visualizations/dashboards in R
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Shlomo Argamon: At its core, data science is about making sense of the world using data.
Encompasses techniques from:
Carbone 2016: Further interdisciplinary advances and deeper insights will be needed for understanding:
We need to bring more interactions to Data Science!
Feature engineering is the process of transforming raw data into features that better represent the underlying problem to the predictive models, resulting in improved model accuracy on unseen data.
Let’s look at one type of feature engineering in Head and Neck cancer.
Not just one alteration, but many are involved in Cancer and they collaborate to disrupt cellular systems
Do gene alterations in interacting proteins contribute to oncogenic collaboration in cancer?
Use Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) networks to engineer new features for machine learning
Surrogate mutations: 1st degree oncogene-centered subnetworks to aggregate mutations/gene alterations
What subnetworks are significant? Use permutation analysis to decide on statistical cutoff.
White = unique/infrequently observed, Dark Blue = frequent observed mutations
Classification Problem:
We should think of interpretability as human simulatability. A model is simulatable if a human can take in input data together with the parameters of the model and in reasonable time, step through every calculation required to make a prediction (Lipton 2016).
Issues of trust and bias plague machine learning and its applications!
If the data scientist’s goal is to create automated processes that affect people’s lives, then he or she should regularly consider ethics in a way that academics in computer science and statistics, generally speaking, do not.
The more processes we automate, the more obvious it will become that algorithms are not inherently fair and objective, and that they need human intervention. (The Ethical Data Scientist)
NIPS 2017: Interpreting, Explaining and Visualizing Deep Learning - Now What?
Proceedings of the 2017 ICML Workshop on Human Interpretability in Machine Learning (WHI 2017)
Complex interplay between big data and dynamic simulation
Dynamic models can make a black box more understandable (Fiddaman):
OHSU-PSU Research Faculty Mixer for collaboration
Feb 22 - 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Collaborative Life Sciences Building
2730 SW Moody Ave.
The Complex Systems and Data Science program offered by University of Vermont trains emerging data scientists to find, model, understand, and tell the stories of the patterns they uncover.
This talk: http://laderast.github.io/sysc_data_sci