Actionable Gene Variants

Ted Laderas

Before we get started

For those interested in reproducibility:

Actionable Variants

Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)

Integration of EHR data with genomic information

Research question: is a particular genomic variant associated with Diabetes?

DNA Structure

What is a SNP?

A SNP (Single Nucelotide Polymorphism) is a single base-pair location in the genome where we observe variation across a population.

We need two pieces of information to locate a snp:

  1. the chromosome it’s on, and
  2. the linear position on the chromosome.

Snp Image by David Hall / CC Licensed

Parents and Genetics

Because we have two chromosomes (one from each parent), we will have two copies (values) at any SNP. Each of these copies is called an allele.

For example:

SNP Frequencies

We classify the different genotypes based on how frequently they are observed in the population.

Nomenclature: if a genotype is observed most of the time, we term that genotype the wild type (WT). The other genotype is called the variant, and by definition occurs less than the wild type.

Based on population studies, we can see that genotype frequencies vary by racial population. Is this reflected in our genotype data?

Snppedia Snapshot

Snppedia Snapshot



What is a variant and what is a mutation?


Acting on a Variant

If a SNP is associated with a disease, can we provide clinical care to target it?

What does it take to be an actionable variant?

Basket Trials

Bringing Everything Together


Way too much bias towards European/Caucasians in GWAS! We can do better in recruiting diverse populations!


Discussion questions

  1. What is the difference between a Basket Trial and an Umbrella Trial? List one pro and con for both of these trial types as outlined in the Renfro et al paper.
  2. How was the 47 gene panel incorporated into the clinical workflow in the Hamblin, et al paper?
  3. How would you deliver actionable variant information to a clinician? What kinds of context and knowledge will they need to incorporate this information into their clinical decision making?